7 months
215 days
4296.2 ounces
33.56 gallons 🐮
Late nights
Early mornings
During holidays
In spare rooms and in the car
Aannndd that's a wrap! My pumping days are officially over, people!
Friday was Presley's last fresh bottle before we start dipping into our freezer stash. That will not mean much to people, but for me, it represents the ending of another chapter. She is our last baby, and thus, the last one I get to have the privilege of nourishing in this way. 💛
Insert mom tears....or hormones. Probably both. 😭
So thankful for not only the ability to pump this long, but thankful for my amazingly supportive family & friends. It helps so much when they are in your corner. I spent a lot of time in their spare rooms and on living room floors lol
Now, it's on to more sleep, more adventures, more time with my girls, and maybe some more sleep. Cheers to this next chapter!🍻
#exclusivelypumping #momlife #7monthspostpartum #pumpingmom #endofachapter #newbeginnings #liquidgold #babygirl #girlmom #bittersweet #littlesister #lastbaby #shopsclosed #breastfeedinglookslikethis #parenting #momming #thankful