Do y'all have a "let down" button on your pump?
The 2-phase suction rhythms are used to most closely mimic baby's feeding patterns. The first few minutes (length depends on pump) of fast suction closely mimics the baby's rhythmic suction to initiate milk ejection and let down. The pump then slows to a longer rhythmic suction pattern, similiar to a baby when they begin their slower rhythmic suction and swallowing, which draws milk out. Both phases are important for the most efficient milk removal.
Babies rhythmic suction patter changes throughout a feeding and can cause multiple let down's during one feeding. If, during your pumping session, you notice that you milk flow begins to slow before you are done pumping, simply press your "let down" button again to activate that faster suction to help initiate another let down.
I found this trick especially helpful when I was pumping multiple times a day while away from baby or during the times that i was exclusively pumping to help keep my milk supply up.
What pump do you use and does it have a "let down" button or multiphase suction mode?
Happy Pumping Mammas!